Just Be

Our approach

At Freedom Mind, our events and retreats are carefully designed to immerse you in the serenity of natural landscapes, providing a unique backdrop for the exploration of the universal principles that underpin our existence.

Wild Swimming Events

Dive into the refreshing waters of wild swimming and experience a profound connection with nature. Our carefully curated events combine the therapeutic benefits of wild swimming with discussions and practices rooted in the principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. Join us for a unique and invigorating experience that goes beyond the ordinary


Yorkshire Dales

Retreats Amidst Nature

Escape to the tranquility of nature with our immersive retreats. Nestled in serene landscapes, these retreats offer a space to quiet the mind, reflect on the universal principles, and tap into your innate wisdom. Allow the rhythm of nature to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.


Lake District & Beyond

Talks and Discussions

Engage in insightful talks and discussions led by experienced facilitators. These sessions delve into the profound simplicity of Sydney Banks’s principles, offering practical guidance on how they create your moment to moment experience within life. Discover the power of these principles to transform your perspective and enhance your well-being.


Individual Mentoring


Group Talks

Meet Anthony, Founder of Freedom Mind

Anthony Degnan

Registered Mental health nurse

With over a decade of experience as a mental health nurse, Anthony brings a wealth of clinical insight to the transformative journey at Freedom Mind. Currently serving in a specialised role within the NHS focused on eating disorders, he’s witnessed the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for healing.

Known for his calm and compassionate presence, he is dedicated to guiding individuals towards their innate health and well-being. Beyond the clinical setting, he is passionate about sharing the universal principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. These principles form the foundation of Freedom Mind, a space where individuals can explore the heights of their consciousness, quiet their minds, and rediscover a profound sense of tranquility.

Join us on this transformative journey towards inner peace, resilience, and holistic well-being. Together, let’s unlock the path to your innate wisdom and embrace the freedom that comes with it.

Meet Howard, Co-Founder and

Luminary at Freedom Mind

Howard Ingleby

event facilitator

Howard, the spirited co-founder of Freedom Mind, is a testament to the transformative power within us all. Having faced formidable challenges, he considers himself fortunate to have discovered the invaluable insights shared at Freedom Mind.

In the face of life’s difficulties, Howard found solace and understanding from the discussions held at Freedom Mind. His wisdom not only became a beacon of light during his darkest moments but also became a guiding force for his personal growth and mental well-being.

Today, Howard stands alongside Anthony, contributing his experiences and learnings to the events and activities organised by Freedom Mind. His journey reflects a remarkable transformation from adversity to resilience, embodying the ethos of the community.

Howard approaches life with a light-hearted spirit, refusing to take it too seriously. Through his dedication to managing his own mental health, he has become an expert in navigating the complexities of the mind. Howard now lives his best life every day, sharing wisdom and experiences to inspire others on their own journeys of self-discovery and well-being.

In his role as a facilitator and supporter, Howard brings authenticity, humor, and a profound understanding of the human experience to the heart of Freedom Mind. His story is not just one of personal triumph but also a testament to the transformative potential that lies within each of us when we tap into our own wisdom.